The Lady Behind The Lens

My name is Jackie Korpela. I am a free spirited, creative, domestic goddess, mama, doula, birth assistant, and photographer. Blessed with a very supportive partner and three daughters. I do my best to balance work and play.

I have enjoyed taking photos since I was a child. My father inspired me. He would often stop to photograph things that most people would pass by without a glance. He loves the details!! He gave me my first SLR and showed me how to work it.  I am always learning new things.

Starry Eyes Photography is not a business. It is a creative outlet, a place to share my view of the world.

I don’t aspire to anything  great…  I just hope that my images can inspire and evoke emotion or a connection in people.

 I invite you to look through my website and if you enjoy my perspective, I would love to work with you.

 Pictures Worth Sharing, Pictures Worth Remembering.

Invited To Share Your Special Days.

Attempting to Capture A Moment In Time.

Clearer Than A Memory.

Such An Awesome Responsibility!

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